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 How Facebook can be held accountable:  Web platforms should be liable for harmful products, LOS ANGELES TIMES, (November 13, 2021); https:  Op-Ed: Think Facebook is invincible? Here's how the social media giant can be held accountable - Los Angeles Times (


Nancy S. Kim.  The Proposed Restatement of the Law of Consumer Contracts and the Struggle Over the Soul of Contract Law,   

 JURIST, (June 2, 2019);


 Nancy S. Kim, Wrap contracts: the online scourge, OUP blog, (December 17, 2013);


 Nancy S. Kim, Despite limits, ‘eraser’ law is important, SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE, (October 11, 2013),


 Carnival Cruise and the contracting of everything, OUP blog, (September 20, 2013);


 Nancy S. Kim, Why do we sign away our Internet right to privacy, THE SACRAMENTO BEE, (August 14, 2013);


 Nancy S. Kim, Bank fees unconscionable, SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE, (October 16, 2009);



 Nancy S. Kim, Sacrificing privacy to the web gods, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, (March 6, 2008); bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/03/06/EDENVAIND.DTL


 Nancy Kim:  Playing by the rules of the cyber playground, THE PROVIDENCE JOURNAL, (July 4, 2008);





 Nancy S. Kim, Little Clicks, Big Consequences, JOTWELL (June 20, 2019) (reviewing Brett Frischmann & Evan Selinger’s RE-



 Nancy S. Kim, Resisting Contract Law’s Paradigm Slip Through Shared Meaning, JOTWELL (May 17, 2018) (reviewing Robin B. Kar & 

 Margaret J. Radin’s, Pseudo-Contract & Shared Meaning Analysis, 132 HARV. L. REV. (forthcoming 2019),


 Nancy S. Kim, Is Contract Law Ready for the Internet of Things?, JOTWELL (December 5, 2016) (reviewing  Stacy-Ann Elvy, 

 Contracting in the Age of the Internet of Things:  Article 2 of the UCC and Beyond, 44 HOFSTRA L. REV. 839 (2016),


 Nancy S. Kim, Exploitation by Wrap Contract – Click “Agree,” 39 NEW MATTER 10 (publication of Intellectual Property Section of 

 California State Bar Association) (Summer 2014)


 Nancy S. Kim, Boilerplate and Consent, 17 GREENBAG 2D 293 (Spring 2014)


 Nancy S. Kim, Wrap Contracts and Privacy (Proceedings of the Intelligent Information Privacy Management Symposium, AAAI 

 Press, 2010) (selected paper)


 Nancy S. Kim, Imposing Tort Liability on Websites for Cyber Harassment, 118 YALE L. J. POCKET PART 115 (2008);


 Nancy S. Kim, Internet Challenges to Business Innovation, 12 J. INTERNET L. 3 (August 2008)


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